
Editing Graphics.

There are blank graphics for you to edit of the images in this site in GIF format, which can be edited in all popular graphics editors. If you want to keep the same look for the text, the font used for the rollovers is Verdana, 14pt using color #EEEEEE.

For those using Adobe Photoshop, graphics are additionally included in this format.

Editing the addition rollovers at top left.

Changing the top left rollover is an easy process in Dreamweaver. Simply follow the steps below.

Create your menu graphics in the ususal way using the blanks provided. (Button and Buttonov.gif)
Create an additional graphic for the top left rollover, using topleftrollover.gif
Add you rollover image to the menu in the usual way using Insert -> Rollover Image.
With this new rollover graphic selected, go to Window -> Behaviours.
You should see 2 events for the rollover image, the onMouseOut and onMouseOver.
Double click the onMouseOver, select the 'image "tlrollover"'
Now choose the new graphic you created for the top left rollover.
Now when someone places the mouse over your menu item, this graphic in the top left corner will change also.


You can probably make all the changes you need to this template yourself but if you require any custom work or professional help, please contact Andy at and he'll send you a quote for the work you require.


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Footer information goes here © 2001 Company Name

You can place any information you like in these break-out boxes. These boxes can be found in your template. We've included two but you can put as many or few as you want.

You can place any information you like in these break-out boxes. These boxes can be found in your template. We've included two but you can put as many or few as you want.