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Company Name


This template allows you to: 

bulletDownload a prebuilt site to your machine.
bulletMake changes to the include file for updating the news section.
bulletCustomize page content to suit your needs.
bulletPublish to your FrontPage-enabled host at the click of a button.

Include files

The two news boxes on the right are include files which can be found in the includes folder - you can add as many as you like by creating new pages and linking to them from the Insert>Component>Include Page option.


The template comes with a number of blank gifs for you to add your own text to, using your graphics program. These can be found in the extra images folder and include the company name (Arial Rounded MT Bold size 25), the news bar (Tahoma size 12) and the home / email graphic (Tahoma size 11). The TTS  logo on the homepage links to our help files and is just there so you can have a look through our FAQs and tutorials if you run into difficulties - you should of course replace this graphic with one of your own once you have the site working.


The template uses Cascading Style Sheets to determin the text size, colour and hyperlink proerties. These can be edited by double clicking on the file style.css. The background and navigation buttons can be modified by going to Format>Modify Theme.


You can probably make all the changes you need to this template yourself but if you require any custom work or professional help, please contact Andy at andy@thetemplatestore.com and he'll send you a quote for the work you require.

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