This template allows you to:

bulletDownload a prebuilt site to your computer.
bulletAdd and delete pages from navigation view.
bulletChange buttons with ease.
bulletCustomize page content.
bulletPublish to your FrontPage-enabled host.

Instructions - Changing Button names

The names that appear on navigation bar buttons are dynamically generated by FrontPage based upon the names that appear on the page icons in the Navigation View flow chart. You can change the names to suit your needs provided the names are brief enough to fit on the button graphics.
To change the names on navigation buttons:

bulletSwitch to FrontPage Navigation View.
bullet Right click on the page icon that represents the link you wish to change.
bullet Type a new name
bullet Right click in the blue area, and select "Apply Changes." 

Adding Pages

It's easy to create new pages and add them to the navigation bars. You can expand the navigation bars to accommodate as many pages as you need.
To add a page to the nav bars:

bullet In navigation view, select and open a page that exists on the same level of the chart as the page you wish to add.
bullet Save it as a new page.
bullet Drag it onto the Navigation View flow chart.
bullet In the Navigation View, rename the page to suit your needs.
bullet Customize the content and save. 


You can probably make all the changes you need to this template yourself but if you require any custom work or professional help, please contact Andy at and he'll send you a quote for the work you require.

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